Eve x Excel.

MARKET_ORDERS_STATS and how it works.


Market orders stats is a helper function wrapping the data from MARKET_ORDERS You can specify which location_id to only get the data from, such as stations or solarsystems

It collates information into fields more easy to consume and includes additional features such as the approx 5% percentile prices of each orderset. You can obtain the min sell and max buy prices directly via,

=EVEONLINE.MARKET_ORDERS_STATS(region_id,type_id).sell.min and =EVEONLINE.MARKET_ORDERS_STATS(region_id,type_id).buy.max

Instead of having to do a =MAX(EVEONLINE.MARKET_ORDERS(region_id,type_id).price) and such. mean, median and stddev are rather straight forward.

Volume is the total listed items in the orderset, removing outliers.

Outliers logic is as follows: Buy orders that are 100/highest buy order Sell orders that are 100*lowest sell order

5% Percentile logic is as follows:

const totalVolume = orders.reduce((sum, order) => sum + order.volume_remain, 0);

    const percentileVolume = (percentile / 100) * totalVolume;

    let cumulativeVolume = 0;

let percentilePrice = 0;

    for (const order of orders) {

      cumulativeVolume += order.volume_remain;

      if (cumulativeVolume >= percentileVolume) {

        percentilePrice = order.price;




    return percentilePrice;

P.S. For true "volume" numbers we recommend the market_history function, which also contains a 3rd optional parameter that will either show the most latest available entry directly, or average together the history entries back X number of days, while exposing if any days are missing due to low volume. Fx. =EVEONLINE.MARKET_HISTORY(10000002,587,7) will go back 7 days and average the datapoints from those days Fx. =EVEONLINE.MARKET_HISTORY(10000002,587,TRUE) will show the latest card available

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