Eve x Excel.

Excel Web Pagination Update


This applies to all paginated functions and mostly improves wallet and blueprint related functions, assets require type_id or location_id filtering to consistently return results in excel web.

The addin now uses some logic to figure out how big your pages can be to be displayed in excel web.

This is done by default in Excel web and any function with the page parameter defaults to 1

Excel web has a 5mb payload limit, when exceeded will cause a tab crash if left running for too long (Shown as #BUSY) Update: This 5mb limit isn't consistent and testing shows it to be around 3.5mb instead. 1.7 was hotfixed with that new number.

So the logic does a check for splitting the results into X per page, if any page is too large it'll decrease the pagesize and check again. Until it hits the most compatible number of items per page.

The lowest pagesize is 50, and depending on functions will max out at 1000. If you specify page in excel desktop it won't use any of this logic but instead return a fixed number depending on the function (200,500 or 1000)

If you require more than the 1st dynamic page returned you can VSTACK the formulas directly or have them reside in cells that VSTACK references.

Example: A1 = _ASSETS function with page 1 parameter (or blank page parameter in web)

B1 = _ASSETS function with page 2 parameter

C1 = VSTACK(A1,B1)

The pagesize can change as the data is updated, fx. if you buy more stuff, or make more transactions.

So it's not recommended to hardcode function placement after the page 1 ends, as it could easily decrease or increase by 50.

Note: Due to the sheer volume of items returned by assets for most characters, it's still very likely that the function will run forever and using assets in excel web is not recommended without filter by a type_id to reduce computation time.

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