Eve x Excel Addin 1.7 Patch Notes
Updated static files to latest SDE and fuzzworks conversion.
New functions:
EVEONLINE.CHARACTER_MINING(character_id_or_entity) Mining ledger information for a signed in character, will return the first signed in character if the character is omitted
Early access functions below (raw, likely to break)
EVEONLINE.CORPORATION_MINING_DETAILS(character_id_or_entity, observer_id)
.CATEGORY(id, expand_groups) can now be expanded to include the type information from the nested groups. Performance warnings from using the trigger as some categories are huge.
Page sizing in Excel web is now dynamically decided and will do steps of 50 until it finds the highest compatible number to allow each page of paginated lists to display to elimiate #BUSY errors in assets and other heavy functions. Will default to page 1 in Excel Web. Will lead to more mixing to display full lists inside excel web as the length is no longer fixed, but can be solved with VSTACK usage and some extra helper cells.
repackaged_volume is now included in all type cards (via hoboleaks)
Fixed endless loop bug for deprecated blueprints being input into blueprint explosion.