Eve x Excel 1.7.4 Patch Notes
New function.
Adding a .ROUTE(origin, destination, [flag], [avoid]) function, will display a list of solarsystems produced by ESI.
Avoid parameter is setup to accept a string of the solarsystem ids seperated by a “,” doublechecked against SDE solarsystems ids. origin and destination are also verified before submission to ESI.
Adding agents to character_standings, optional boolean parameters, will only display the names of the agents, with their id queriable via .CHARACTER if needed.
Performance boost by removing the .corporation card from standings and resolves only the name now. id ofc remains for .CORPORATION lookup.
Adding a contract type filter option to CHARACTER/CORPORATION_CONTRACTS.
Added by allowing a “,” in the status_filter string parameter, so it’s now a status_or_type_filter fx. “item_exchange,outstanding” will now combo these two options.
Reversed the contracts list so 500 will be the latest 500 (hopefully).
Now supports filtering by group_id and multiple type_ids
“group_id: X, Y, Z” into the [type_name_or_type_id] paramter of corporation and character assets function will now prefilter the asset list based on the type_ids from the groups and or just the typed up type_id list. Plain array support for type_ids is planned later on, requires more function changes so this simple version will do for now.
Negative searching, you can now filter out certain items based on strings in the names. “!100mm” inside the [type_name_or_type_id] parameter will now exclude items containing the string (excluding the !) inside the string entered.
Note this will break Exact string searching for the following uncommon items: “Colonize! Board Game, My God, It’s Full Of Holes!, Starsi Blast! Classic, Starsi Blast! Orange, Ultra! Promotional Holoreel”, they are still searchable via their type_id
Other things:
Exposed the “is_singleton” flag on assets (1.7.4 added this to corp assets)
Fixed searching via referencing cells such as entity type cards, or type.id cells into the type_name_or_type_id parameter
Improved internal ESI errors in functions/cards to be displayed in the sidebar.
Improved the Errors in the sidebar, now fixed to the bottom instead of being above the character list. Much more visible now.